Sunday, April 25, 2010

AJ's team takes 1st place at SECME day

AJ and his team received 1st place in the mousetrap car event for the Alachua County middle schools. On March 27th, the University of Florida College of Engineering held this annual event for the area schools.

He also received ribbons for 3rd place in water bottle rocket and math.

He and Grampie had a great day together!

50 mile cycle ride on the Gainesville-Hawthorne Trail

On April 24th, AJ, along with other scouts in our troop completed the 50 mile ride to complete the cycling merit badge. The counselor awarded them with a Tour de France water bottle (resently returning from Europe) and ice cream!
Here is AJ with his #1 supporter - MOM!

Scoutreach Bike Tour - hummm well......

It was cancelled on April 11th but we went anyways! We all completed around 34-36 miles on the A1A roundtrip St Augustine to Marineland. Beautiful weather and followed but a great lunch at the snack shack at Anastasia Park.